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VN Winter Meet-ups in Wendell
Feeling some cabin fever? Join Village Neighbors members, volunteers and
perhaps some potential members for conversation, cocktail, mocktails, warmth
and light fare:
Where: Deja Brew pub, 57 Lockes Village Rd. Wendell
When: Fridays 4 to 6pm on February 7 and 21, and March 7
Patti Scutari, owner of the Deja Brew, has generously opened the pub for us at
these times preceeding their public hours 6 to 11, with music at 7:30 on Friday
nights. Come for a daylight happy hour with VN folk and lovely Audrey serving at
the cash bar. Bring a friend or two. Or, if you want a full night out, stay on and
order food for delivery from Pizza Factory (yes, available at reasonable cost!) and
stay to hear some live music! February 7 will feature Eric Love, acoustic folk/funk
guitarist covering tunes from Jim Croce, Johnny Cash, the Eagles, Cat Stevens and
much more. Transportation available by calling ahead to Village Neighbors.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
VN Winter Meet-ups in Wendell
Feeling some cabin fever? Join Village Neighbors members, volunteers and
perhaps some potential members for conversation, cocktail, mocktails, warmth
and light fare:
Where: Deja Brew pub, 57 Lockes Village Rd. Wendell
When: Fridays 4 to 6pm on February 7 and 21, and March 7
Patti Scutari, owner of the Deja Brew, has generously opened the pub for us at
these times preceeding their public hours 6 to 11, with music at 7:30 on Friday
nights. Come for a daylight happy hour with VN folk and lovely Audrey serving at
the cash bar. Bring a friend or two. Or, if you want a full night out, stay on and
order food for delivery from Pizza Factory (yes, available at reasonable cost!) and
stay to hear some live music! Transportation available by calling ahead to Village Neighbors.
Looking forward to seeing you there!