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Village Neighbors

Helping residents over age 60 in Shutesbury, Leverett, Wendell, and New Salem
stay connected and age independently at home.

413-345-6894, PO Box 501, Shutesbury, MA 01072

HomeVillage Neighbors Seminar recordings

Village Neighbors Past Seminar Recording Links


Topic: VN How Are Elders Protected from Abuse and Neglect

Original Date: Nov 9, 2021


Meeting Recording:


Access Passcode: 976o5jB@



Topic: Four Feet Under: new options for disposition of your remains

Original Date: Nov 4, 2021


Meeting Recording:


Topic: VN Seminar Elder Law and Estate Planning

Original Date: Feb 17, 2021


Meeting Recording:


Access Passcode: f4r5@D%a