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Village Neighbors

Helping residents over age 60 in Shutesbury, Leverett, Wendell, and New Salem
stay connected and age independently at home.

413-345-6894, PO Box 501, Shutesbury, MA 01072

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Village Neighbors Meet Up

Date and Time

Friday, February 7, 2025, 4:00 PM until 6:00 PM


Deja Brew pub
57 Lockes Village Road
Wendell, MA  01355

Event Contact(s)

Nancy Spittle
413-835-5427 (c)


All towns

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

VN Winter Meet-ups in Wendell

Feeling some cabin fever? Join Village Neighbors members, volunteers and
perhaps some potential members for conversation, cocktail, mocktails, warmth
and light fare:

Where: Deja Brew pub, 57 Lockes Village Rd. Wendell
When: Fridays 4 to 6pm on February 7 and 21, and March 7
Patti Scutari, owner of the Deja Brew, has generously opened the pub for us at
these times preceeding their public hours 6 to 11, with music at 7:30 on Friday
nights. Come for a daylight happy hour with VN folk and lovely Audrey serving at
the cash bar. Bring a friend or two. Or, if you want a full night out, stay on and
order food for delivery from Pizza Factory (yes, available at reasonable cost!) and
stay to hear some live music! February 7 will feature Eric Love, acoustic folk/funk
guitarist covering tunes from Jim Croce, Johnny Cash, the Eagles, Cat Stevens and
much more. Transportation available by calling ahead to Village Neighbors.
Looking forward to seeing you there!